Drama ensued at the Lagos state police command Friday when Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG ) Joseph Mbu stormed the office of the Commissioner of Police to take over command instead Ogun state command where he was recently redeployed to. Mbu who came with his personal chair, immediately ordered for a total redeployment of senior officers in the state especially the Assistant Commissioners of Police(ACPs) and Divisional Police Officers(DPO).
On Thursday, the Inspector General of Police, IGP Suleiman Abba had in a statement announced the deployment of Assistant Inspectors- General of Police to supervise today’s gubernatorial election in 16 states. The transfer saw to the movement of controversial AIG Mbu to Ogun state, AIG Lawal Tanko to Lagos state, AIG Tunde Ogunsakin to Rivers state amongst several others.
Saturday Sun learnt that this movement did not go down well with the ruling party, PDP which requested that AIG Mbu be returned to Lagos. Barely an hour after the signal confirming the reversal was sent across on Friday, he was said to have stormed the state headquarters to assume command.
He requested that the CP’s chair be removed and replaced with his own chair. The Commissioner of Police, Kayode Aderanti was said to be at a security meeting when his office was invaded.
It was gathered that PDP mistook the professionalism of Aderanti as being sympathetic to APC. Lagos state was one of the areas that was adjudged to have had a free and fair election. This is owing to the fact that the command was visibly on ground to ensure the success of the election.
All efforts to reach the Lagos state police command spokesman, DSP Kenneth Nwosu failed as he did not pick his calls as at press time. A text requesting for confirmation was also sent and he is yet to respond